To start a new Noka Minshuku, it is compulsory to apply and receive approval under the Hotel Business Law.
Necessary procedures vary depending on the size and system of the Noka Minshuku.
To make your procedure simple and smooth, it is recommended to first contact the section below. A Nara Prefecture staff member will advise you on how to open a new Noka Minshuku.

Tourism Bureau,Tourism Strategy Division,Nara Prefecture
Tel: 0742-27-8435
We accept a wide range of questions and concerns about opening a Noka Minshuku: legal compliances, how to complete application documents, and more. The Southern and Eastern Regional Promotion Section offers a certification system which provides publicity service on this website.
Feel free to contact us in regard to any questions and concerns you may have about opening a Noka Minshuku. We will provide all the necessary support.